Shewner flaunted the movie in front of me as if he had a treasure in his hands. I don’t know why, but for some reason we were pretty excited about watching Tsotsi.Maybe we were influence by the Oscar it won, or the 13 other wins and nominations it received. Please note, this review does not contain any spoilers.
Tsotsi is a small town South African criminal, a teenager without feelings, hardened by his tough life. One night he hijacks a car only to discover, after driving away, that there was a baby in the back seat.
The movie starts off very powerful and very strong with an unfamiliar setting that still feels very believable. The first 20 minutes pass leaving you anxious and wondering how the mess that has started will unfold and maybe resolve itself.
After the first 20 minutes, it seems the writers decided to start writing from home and not share the notes between them. The events were random, boring, didn’t add anything to the story and were quite a disappointment when compared to the strong beginning.
The movie finishes leaving you wondering if they even put any thought into the ending. It felt like my 16 year old sister wrote, what was supposed to be, a surprising ending that will leave you in awe.
The movie won an Oscar and has 13 other awards. I personally wouldn’t recommend it at all. This only proves that the Oscars, as great an event that it is, shouldn’t be the only basis on which you judge a film.
Well I must say that I sort of agree with you. I've seen the movie a while back and I honestly loved it...every part of it...except for the outrageous ending!! It was like having a plate full of warm fudge brownies and having someone pull the plate away from you as you are reaching for that last bite!! Suffices to say I was really disappointed.